Chapter 3: Daily Life 2

Chapter 3: Daily Life 2

Hoshimiya then given us a hat, gloves, and a twisted sickle and I began weeding.

'I guess I should remove the weeds around the house first.' So I crouched down and clump some ridiculous amount of grass.

This area was full of short weeds, they seemed easy to pull out. But, as I approached the back of the garden, they were more weeds lying in wait.

The grass grew up to my knees, clumping with the surrounding weeds... I used the twisted sickle to dig up the weeds along with the soil.

I pulled out the easier-to-pull weeds by hand.

Ignoring the heat from the sun, I got engrossed in cleaning up weeds.

"Ouch. Seriously, these weeds are out of control. Who gave them permission to grow all over the place?" Kana who's dissatisfied, already stopped wedding and stood up to stretch her back. It seems this kind of work is not suited for her restless personality.

"Riku, how's it going? ...You're doing quite a lot." Kana, who walked over to me, looked at my work and genuinely admired it.

Behind me, they were uncountable number of weeds scattered, still standing after all the work, so I decided to pull out these guys one by one.

"We've been weeding for about two hours already, you know."

"Two hours? Has it really been that long?"

"You were so focused... You like these kind mundane tasks?"

"I wonder. But it's not hard."

"Hmm. I can't really understand that."

She wasn't mocking me; we were just genuinely discussing compatibility.

Unconsciously, I searched for Hoshimiya with my gaze. There she was.

Hoshimiya, with her serious look, was crouched down, diligently weeding. Occasionally, she wiped the sweat from her cheek with a towel.

Just looking at her her, concentrating on what was in front of her, made my heart race. Despite her bright hair color and the sparkling atmosphere she had at school, her actions were different, showcasing another charm... a lovable cuteness.

Even though 'works' are generally considered troublesome, Hoshimiya earnestly approach it, makes it seem like something her own characteristic and what makes her more appealing.

Her appearance is gal-like, yet her words and actions are pure...

That contrast must be one of the elements that make her attractive to many guys.

...Living in the countryside with Hoshimiya and doing things like weeding or working on the field together, just like now... Sounds nice.

Spending time in a world surrounded by nature, just the two of us. Just imagining it brought me a sense of happiness.

"Hey, Riku? What are you spacing out about?"

"Sorry. I was imagining a life living in the countryside with Hoshimiya."

"What's that? I don't get it."

"You're being so cold. I want more kindness from you."

"Kindness? Like what?"

"I want you to view it positively that despite being young, I'm thinking about the future..."

"Come on, what future? It's just daydreaming."

"Argh! I can't argue back...!"

"You can't just leave it as daydreams or imagination. You have to make it a reality." Kana, who had bent down to peer into my eyes, pleaded with her strong gaze.

Oh, she's right... that's true. I can't just leave it as imagination.

I gazed at Hoshimiya, who was diligently weeding in the distance, and my determination grew stronger.

I will definitely turn that imagination into reality─!

Hoshimiya raised her head and looked at me. Our eyes met with a click.

After blinking a few times, Hoshimiya blushed and then...

She mouthed the words, 'Let's do our best together,' and resumed weeding.

It was lip-syncing, but she definitely said that.


My heart fluttered at those words mouthed by the person I love, and a surge of motivation bubbled up. I felt like I could keep work forward no matter what.

I've heard the story that a horse will keep running forever if a carrot is dangled in front of it. I used to find it foolish, but I can't anymore.

If Hoshimiya's smile were dangled in front of me, I would probably run without hesitation, continuing to run eternally.


I was engrossed in weeding, locked in a battle with stubborn weeds whose roots ran deep.

I put my hand on the base of the weed, leaving the leaves placed on my upper arm, placing the twisted sickle down and attempted to pull them out by hand.

Finding the right amount of force without breaking the roots was crucial. Surprisingly, I found the process of trying to grasp this technique quite fun.

And then, I felt it! I trusted my instincts and pulled the weed out.

With more force than usual, it came out with a satisfying "plop," and I lost my balance, falling backwards. I landed on my backside with a thud, while the soil hanging on the roots fly all the way to my face.


My field of vision was filled with the blue sky scattered with clouds... the sky is blue, isn't it?

Of course, I knew that. Yet, it felt like a shocking sight as if I were seeing it for the first time.

I recalled my life up until now, and the time I spent with Haruno.

I only show interest in Haruno.

Until now, I only looked at her or in the ground.

The sky is truly beautiful...

So, this is what it feels like to be alive.

A pleasant fatigue spread throughout my body. The summer sun felt very pleasant.

The sweat trickling from my forehead to my cheeks, the gentle breeze brushing against me, everything felt soothing.

I closed my eyes.

It would be so nice to just fall asleep like this.

"Kuromine-kun, are you okay?"

I nodded slightly with a tense feeling.

"Could it be... you were worried about me?"



Silence hung in the air. Was my recent response related to a confession?

Well, it could also be interpreted as merely being concerned about a classmate, especially for someone like Hoshimiya who is naive when it comes to romance.

Within the continuing silence, there was a somewhat bittersweet tension.

"I'm sorry, things got weird since this morning because of me... I'm really sorry."

"You mean me right?." I asked.

"You were half asleep, right? And I was asking you strange things..."

Strange things, you mean the conversations related to my romance?

"I feel like something's off with me."

Hoshimiya's serious expression suddenly changed.

"Kuromine-kun.... haven't we met somewhere before? Not at school... but in a different place..." she asked me like she was sure of it.


How should I respond to this? I hoped a help from my dependable ally, but that ally was lying on the veranda, complaining, "Ouch. The sun's really annoying," while sprawled out.

"There's no way right....? Haha, sorry for saying something weird."


"I've never talked to a boy like this before... Maybe I'm just not used to it. That's why I'm acting strange...?"

"I don't think so. You're often approached in the classroom, right?"

"It's just greetings. Some people even run away because I'm with Kana."

"Yeah. Kana can be scary."

"She has slightly intimidating aura but, she's the kindest and most thoughtful girl I know."

"Yeah, she is."

If Kana didn't assert herself on helping Hoshimiya, I'm probably still stick to Haruno.

The conversation naturally fades.

Without reason, I gaze at her face and once again, she looks cute... Really cute.

I mean, of course. She's popular at school. She's even said to be the most beautiful gal in the entire school. It's not just about her cute looks, it's beyond that. Her very existence is cute.

...I seem I'm overdoing the word 'cute' a lot.

Maybe because the fact that this is MY current reality? Kinda creepy though.



Hoshimiya look at my face.

As our faces distance getting close, I can't help but to imagine a kiss.

My heart suddenly start throbbing.

"Don't move..."


Her hot breath enchanted me and turn still like a statue.

And then Hoshimiya's right hand approaches my face────."

"There's dirt on your cheek."

She gently wipe it with her finger. My heart skips a beat."

The sensation of Hoshimiya's index finger on my cheek...!

"Is something wrong?"


As I stay still, Hoshimiya look worried.

However, I remain silent, like a stone.


"I just remembered something, bye."


Leaving Hoshimiya with question mark on her head, I start walking briskly.

My target is at that loafing-bum location lazying around at veranda.

Arriving there, I look down at Kana's face as she sprawls with limbs spread out.

"Hey, Kana."

"Huh? Wait, why're you coming over to me? Just go flirt wit──"



"It's impossible."


As I sit down next to Kana, she also adjusts herself and sits up.

"Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri Muri!" (TL: Kugisaki Nobara SFX. [Impossible])

I vigorously shake my hand while saying this. Kana's eyes change, staring at me intently.

"Did the heat mess your head? This is your chance to get closer to Ayana."

"It's impossible with both of us there."


Kana lets out a bewildered voice. She seems unable to understand.

"A inexperienced in love like you, who didn't even found a first love, wouldn't understand. That feeling of tension when you're alone with someone you like...!"

"Wait wait wait! You were living together with Ayana, weren't you?"

"Heh... Your wrong again."

"I don't get it. Seriously, I don't get it."

Facing my negatiy attitude, Kana raises both hands in exasperation.

By the way, Hoshimiya is still working, sitting with her back turned to us.

"You've really changed. In various ways."

"I'm aware of it too. It's my first time experiencing something like this."

"Well... It seems like a good change. You give off a more genuine vibe compared to before."

"The way you said 'genuine' seems I'm faking it before."

"I'm saying it like that, hehe."

Seeing me pout, Kana laughs cheerfully.

Oh, I've got a good idea.

"Kana. Your hands are dirty, right?"

"Huh!? I haven't committed any crimes! If you say something weird, I'll kill you!"

"I mean from the work, not that. There's dirt on them, right? Put that on my cheek."


"Just do it."

"Incomprehensible as always..." Kana with exasperated voice.

Then, she rubs her dirty fingers on my cheek.

"I wonder what I'm doing..."

"This is enough, thanks."

"Hey, seriously, what's the point of this?"

"A inexperienced in a love like you who didn't even found a first love, wouldn't understand."

"What?!! Mocking me not once, but twice, you idiot──"

Ignoring the growing irritation in Kana's voice, I ran way.

To execute my genius plan, I walk over to Hoshimiya and stand next to her, striking up a conversation.

"I'm done with what I needed to do."

"Yeah... Oh, What? Kurumine-kun, your cheek is dirty again."

"Hmm, how? that's strange. Which part is it?"

"Your cheek... come on, let me take care of it."

Gently prompted by Hoshimiya, who can't hide her wry smile, I bend down while inwardly celebrating a 'Mission Success!' Now I can have Hoshimiya touch my cheek again.

"Ayana, you don't need to deal with that dumb dog."


"Because he asked me to make it dirty."

Wait, ally?!

While I inwardly shout in my mind, Kana provocatively sticks out her tongue.

...Could it be, she's still affected because I called her inexperience in love?

"Kuromine-kun...? Why would you do something like that?"

Hoshimiya asked me with genuine curiosity than disappointment.

In the past, I might have honestly said "I wanted you to touch me," but now I can only mumble and be silent with it. How embarrassing...

"Because I made onigiri, you see."

As I pondered how to respond, Soeda-san appeared from the back and came to the veranda.

In her hands, she carried a large plate filled with tightly packed triangular rice balls. This is my chance.

"O-Oh, it's food! Let's go, Hoshimiya!"


With a forceful push, I hastily wrapped up the conversation.

Hoshimiya seemed unconvinced, but didn't press further.

Alright! I managed to bluff my way through somehow...


Soeda-san prepared a large quantity of onigiri, paper cups, a water bottle, and wet towels for us.

After she thanked us by saying, "Thank you for weeding." and she went back alone to the back of the room. I wonder if she had something to do.

While us, we sat on the veranda. From left to right, it's Kana, Hoshimiya, and me.

It's noontime, our lunch was of course Soeda-san's onigiri. The fillings in the onigiri were varied. For example Kana got onigiri with plum filling and unfortunately she didn't like the sourness as she distressly cry from it. Seeing me calmly eating the plum onigiri she didn't like, Kana suddenly developed a mysterious competitive spirit and actively ate plum onigiri herself... eventually even tearing up.

'What's wrong with her...'

We finished our meal and a relaxed atmosphere emerged.

"Hey Riku, do you watch TV?"

"Nah, not really interested."

"Yeah, I kinda thought so."

If I had time to watch TV, I'd call Haruno to come over or go visit her.

No... that's a thing in the past.

"You don't know anything about celebrities, do you?"

"Not a thing."

I'd be satisfied just knowing Haruno... but it's already a thing in the past.

Feeling bored, Kana also strikes up a conversation with Hoshimiya.

"Ayana, any favorite celebrity?"

"I haven't been watching TV recently either..."

"I see. By the way, what kind of person do you like?"

"Huh?" Hoshimiya let out a surprised voice and, for a brief moment, she glanced at me.

Then she murmured in a quiet voice, "I don't know."

Kana, who didn't miss opportunity in series of Hoshimiya's actions, wore a mischievous smile and deliberately said, "I was trying to ask about your celebrity preferences... oh, I see, I get it now," in a contrived manner.

"I just happened to see Kuromine-kun... there's no deeper meaning behind it!"

"I didn't say anything, did I, Ayana?"

"... Kana, you're teasing me again...!"

Hoshimiya displayed an overtly angry expression, but Kana didn't let her mischievous demeanor waver. Meanwhile, I was in high spirits. I know that Hoshimiya has feelings for me, but it's heartwarming to see her blush like this. Kana, what a good ally...

"Riku, who do you like?"



Being asked so smoothly, I answered in a normal manner.

"Oh, no, I mean I like people like Hoshimiya──" with smooth excuse.

Interrupting Hoshimiya's surprised reaction, I quickly tried to come up with an excuse. But──

"R-right, right, that makes sense. It's not that you like me, but that you like people like me... huh."

For some reason, it had a similar meaning. In fact, it was almost like a roundabout confession.

Realizing this, Hoshimiya's cheeks turned a deep shade of red, and she lowered her head, falling into silence. Watching her overly blatant reaction, I could feel my own face heating up.

It's normal to feel embarrassed, but it's also pretty awkward... I guess? How should I put it into words?

I want her to understand my feelings, yet I become uncomfortable when those feelings are being noticed....

Oh well, just play it off with momentum!

I grabbed a leftover onigiri and devoured it with all my might.

It was filled with kelp. I quickly finished eating it without showing any sign of sourness in my face.

"Oh... Kuromine-kun, you've got a grain of rice on you. Look."

As if it were the most natural thing in the world, Hoshimiya used her index finger to pick up the grain of rice that had stuck to the corner of my mouth and showed it to me.

"Dirt and rice grains on face... like a dog as always? Hahaha." Kana mocks me.

"A dog?" Hoshimiya asked.

"Yeah. Dogs often dip their food, like in a milk or rice, in their mouths, don't they?"

Watching Hoshimiya laugh joyfully, a sudden wave of embarrassment surged through me.

While I appreciated her kindness, the current atmosphere was something entirely different.

Hoshimiya exuded an air of gentle amusement as if dealing with a child.

"What's wrong, Riku? Are you blushing?"


"Say something!"

Despite feeling embarrassed, my feelings for Hoshimiya continued to swell.

I wanted to return to a special relationship with her right now.

Unable to hold back any longer, I made up my mind and spoke to Hoshimiya.


"What is it?"

"From now on, if there's a grain of rice on my mouth... I want you to take it off."


Her agreement was given. With a kind expression but a puzzled look, she had a floating question mark above her head.

"Sure, Riku. Come over here for a moment. No refusal."

With a beckoning gesture, Kana motioned her hand for me to follow her toward a corner of the garden. ... What's going on? Tilting my head, I followed her.

"Strategy Meeting."

"Uh, yeah...?"

As I walked closer to Hoshimiya, I could feel the tense atmosphere she was emanating.

"What was that line just now?"

"It was just a different variation of wanting you to make miso soup for me every day." (TL: Wanting to make miso soup for me means marriage in japan. Mentioned in Higehiro.)

"But that didn't come across at all. And why did you do something that resembled a proposal?"

"I felt like I wanted to confess."

"Well, even if I reluctantly respect that feeling... why did you suddenly jump to a husband and wife relationship?"

"Hoshimiya, she's just too adorable and I got carried away."

"Yeah, I see... Riku, you're one of those guys, huh?"

With a sigh and an exasperated expression, Kana gives me a look of disbelief.... Why though?

"More importantly, Kana, your questions are way too intentional. You're pushing too hard. You said it's impossible to start dating all of a sudden, right?"

"That's fine. It's important to keep your own and your partner's romantic feelings in mind."

"... That sounds like it's based on personal experience."

"... It's based on romance manga..."

Blushing, Kana admits shyly.

This time, it was my turn to sigh.

"... I'm worried."

"Huh!? Y-you say weird things too, Riku!"

"I'm just living honestly... following my heart."

"In your case, that comes off as dog-like!"

Open for correction. Recently I got hooked to a game named Persona 3 Portable at ppsspp. One of the reason why, I'm too lazy at translating. Ko-Fi Below.

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