Chapter 2 : Otherworldly Summoning Magic

■Otherworldly Summoning Magic

“I know I'm the who asked it but, are you really sure about this, Akito?”

Lysette intention past through the stone, I can feel her emotions coming from it.

“Of course!”

“I understand. Please lie down to your bed and relax.”

I lay down to my bed and relax my self by breathing.

“The magic stone you're currently holding now is connected to my world. So hold it at much as you can and never let it go no matter what happens. If ever you let the stone go, your soul might be wander between time and space. This is not part of failure, it's just part of embodiment of soul and body.”

Hearing that, I gripped the stone on my hand as much as I can. That's something I don't want to happen after all.

“I'm ready, Lysette. Start it now!”

“Ancient Summoning Magic Begun.”

Apparently, there was no magic circle or explosions, coming out from my body. But little by little, I started to feel some kind of electricity in every part of my body.

After that, my body feels so heavy like the earth's gravity suddenly increase. Then I can feel my entire body in pain, as if like my each cell were being pulled apart and disintegrating. This cause me to lose consciousness, and awakened again by the pain.


I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

Feeling the pain in my entire body, there was a certain voice encouraging me to not give up.

“I thought I'm gonna die.”

I don't know how much time has been past. Is it a second?, millisecond?, or probably year? The only thing that was important to me was I'm alive.

Where am I? What happened? Did the Summoning Magic work?

There was nothing around me, I felt no color. Nothing was dark, nothing was bright, nothing existed. What is this feeling? It is as if I am an energy body. Only consciousness existed, leaving no physical sensation at all.

Did the Summoning magic fail? Will I be stuck in this world forever? I got impatient and so anxious, I couldn't even think straight.

Wasn't the voice earlier was Lysette?

“Lysette, Where are you? What should I do, tell me!”

I know that Lysette is in other line of world but I can't help but to sought for Lysette. In the space where there's no darkness nor light, a firefly suddenly started to fly, it's same color as the magic stone I have in earth.

Slowly by slowly the bluish light started to grow and grow, Even if I close my eyes it can still pierce through my eyelids, until it completely consumed me.

As my consciousness come back, I feel my physical body once again. At the same time, I felt the same intense pain just like the first.


The difference between when I was still in the space was I have body now. Feeling the gravity and the softness of the grass, I don't feel like moving yet. I continued to endure the pain as I curled my body around it.

“Did I pass out?” I don't know how much time did I pass out but basing the pain earlier means I survived.

Comprehending the effect of Summoning Magic, apparently you can't summon the clothes, means I'm buck naked right now.

Apparently the air in here is so thick, it's like there's something really dense mixed into it. Even though I'm not in a water, I feel like I'm gonna drown. I guess this is the mana.

“No wonder I can't use magic.” Unlike this world, earth has no mana at all.

All of the sudden, there's was something tickling through my neck.


Geeh, Gross.

Since it was too dark, I didn't see a thing. I just reach otherworld. I dont want to see an insect first.

I managed to get some of my strength and lay my body to the tree. When I look at sky, there was a lot of stars just like earth. It has also moon but the difference is, it's so big as if it's about to fall.

“Huh?” I wonder.

Why am I in outside? Wait, where's Lysette?

“Lysette?” I started to look around for Lysette.

Normally, when the Summoning magic activated, it'll most likely transfer you to the summoner, but I'm in outside.

Did Lysette used the summoning magic outside?

Where's Lysette?

Suddenly, I smell something rotten. I stand up but I was stumbled over and fall down. When I look at it, I regreted it.


I should have close my eyes. If you smell something rotten, I should have known what it was.

Showering the shine of moonlight. They were many dead corpse of human body laying in the ground.

“What's happening here?! What's happening here?!!!”

The scene was so devastated I couldn't even think that there might be one or two alive. The bodies were not just dead, their body was so wrecked that they looked as if they had been eaten.

“Lysette?! Where are you?! Lysette?!?”

What's going on? Where's Lysette? Tell me where she is!

Bitterness rush over my mouth. I lean my face down and vomitted 4 times. I don't know what's going on already.

By now, me and Lysette should be discussing right now just like how we always do but, how did it come to this? Why am I with this corpse?

“What the hell is this?”

I already know that person can die by disease, accident or in war. And this happenings might be because of demons or by wars just like Lysette mention. But apparently she was right from the start. This world is about survival, and weak always get killed first.

No matter how you look at me, I'm weak.

“I'm an idiot, no one will save me here.”

Lysette already said to me that this world is dangerous, but I didn't listen to her. A person who don't know how to listen is absolutely idiot.


An howling beast echoed throughout the forest. I can tell it's not just a wolf but the main problem is that monster is just nearby.

In an instant I can see myself in this line of corpse getting eaten by that monster.

Then I found myself shaking, I tried to calm down, but my body wouldn't listen against fear.

No police, No rescuer, No weapon. No one will save me here.

If I was the main character of a series, I'll likely save this people against that monster but, reality is not that kind to me.

Another howl catches my ears. I'm just probably scared that's why it looks really close to me.

I manage to stand up by supporting my weak and shaking knees. If I manage to walk away from here, I might get away from that monster.

“I don't want to die in a place like this.”

How did the situation become like.... No, I should think for a solution for this.

For now, let's get out of here and find Lysette. That's my reason for coming here after all. Anyways, is Lysette fine?

“Don't tell me she's not here.”

Imagining this, I'd gone back to where the mountain of corpse came from and check for girlish body. Thankfully, there's none. Slightly relieved, I heard the same howl as before.

“He's close” In the end it was not my imagination, that monster is close in here. The sense of fear suddenly gone back to my body.

“How can I fight if I don't have weapon.”

Right, weapon. I just have to find some kind of thing that can protect me.

Just by looking for something I can use on these dead bodies, makes me vomit. Collecting weapons, clothes, and small items, probably money. And since armor is not that useful, I leave them behind.

Packing it up. The weapon I got was double edge sword, items that maybe will be useful later on, and small things that I wrapped in cloth.

“Where should I go?”

I'm currently surrounded by trees, means no matter where I go it's still within the forest. Since this forest is the nest of that monster, I don't want to come back here anymore.

Beside trees, I can hear the flow of a river nearby. For now, I'm gonna follow the river

Arriving at the riverside. The river is 20 meters wide and the current was relatively calm. I could still see the forest continuing on the other side of the river but, in order to get away from that monster, I decided to past at the other side of the river.

After passing the river, my body calm down and I can move smoothly now. Maybe because I feel safe by distancing to that monster.

“Lysette is not in there, where is she?”

I wash my clothes and all the items I got from the corpses, just to say that they're my own. The clothes I got was not wearable anymore because of the damaged but going all the way to Lysette's villa naked is not an option.

Unlike in japan this world is much more warmer but it was still cold so I didn't wear my wet clothes. How long would it be before dawn? Is it dangerous to make a fire?

But that monster might be scared of fire. In the past, human use fire on their camp so that wild animals will not attack them on their sleep. Maybe that monster is same too?

But how can I create fire.

Among the baggage I got, I found a rough iron, and a chopsticks hook. I have hunch that if I rubbed them hard enough, a sparks will flew. As expected they did, this thing might be some kind of flint, so I gathered up some dead leaves and tried to start a fire, but it didn't catch fire. I only got sparks but not enough to start a fire. I wonder if I need something more flammable.

Where is Lysette? Is she safe? I hope she didn't go through the same thing I did.

In the freezing night, I was so anxious that I didn't sleep until the weary morning.

End of Chapter 2

  • I'm open for correction.
  • I decided to add chapter twice a week. Since I'm making sure everything is perfect, I need time for both school and hobbies. Also I actually don't translate by copying, I actually listened to the words and translate it by my own understanding, if I didn't understand a sentence then that's the time that I will rely on the MTL. So there's probably some misspelled words on the translation, that's because I'm typing it directly.
  • I'm more familiar in listening more than reading, since I've been watching anime for 5 years. I can barely watch anime without subtitles. This is not boasting btw. Also I'm not fluent in English, there might be some wrong grammar in the TL.

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