Chapter 5: The Fairy Girl 3

■The Fairy Girl 3

As we finished our lunch, I gone back to my inn, sit on my bed and remember the past events.

Thanks to Lidell I was able to saved money. Apparently the average earnings of an adventurers were 3,000 coper coins. But I was able to earn 3 times of that because of 3 reasons.

First is magic. Since I was able to use magic, I can attack monsters within a distance. Magic bullet is also helpful because it can knocked out a monster with a single shot. And Lidell as my shield is also helpful.

They were pretty a lot of people here who can use magic but if you divide it in 3 parts, there is Attack Magic, Healing Magic and, Everyday Life Magic. Most people here can only used Everyday Life Magic. And the person who can only used Everyday Life were only called Magic users. While the person who can used more than Everyday Life Magic, were called Magicians. And a person who can used powerful Magic Attack's were called Advanced Magicians. Lastly, a person who can used magic without chant are called Mage.

In my case, you will probably think I'm mage. But for me, I'm not. I can used No-Incantation Magic but I don't think that's enough to classify me as Mage. It's a attack magic but the abilities of other magicians like in Advanced Magic will likely has more powerful magic than mine.

As Lysette teach me about magic. Attack magic are Spirit attributes. And that 6 Spirits were Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind and, Ground. In addition, if you activate a certain attack magic, the color of it will match the color of the spirit. Fire means Red, Dark means Black and other types of colors. However, my magic bullet is colorless. So we can say my magic bullet is not categorize as attack magic..... I don't hope so.

I'm starting to lose some IQ here...

In any case, I can used magic bullet. So I don't care if you call me a Magic user or a Mage, I don't really care. I'm not interested.

Second is because of Lidell's help. Since Lidell used his own body as shield, I can attack on any enemies without getting hurt. Since his skill as hunting is promising, I can leave myself to him protecting me.

Adding his knowledge about hunting, which Lysette didn't teach me about, Lidell and other's teach me a lot instead. They teach about how to choose a safe water, make a fire and in choosing a prey. All of this knowledge were because everyone in Adventurers guild teach me. I wonder how can I pay them back?

Because I meet Lidell, I was able to make things easier for me.

If I didn't meet Lidell, I'm just probably hunting rabbits right now.

Third and last is because of Momo. In hunting One horned boar, you always needed a lot of person in carrying that thing off. Because of Momo's existence, we were able to less the cost of labor and lessen the number of share. So we were able to hunt freely without carrying anything.

They were also magicians who specializes spatial magic. They can temporarily store things and take another things to prevent the loss of luggage. There are also magic tools called Magic Bags, that used spatial magic to work. This tool is quite expensive so people don't have it...

Comparing this 2 magics to the brownies, is far from different. It's the concept of time. Concept of time can pass through both of spatial users and magic bag. For example, when you put ice on magic bags or in spatial magic, the space is still connected to the time which cause it to melt. While the brownie's space doesn't connect to time, so if you put ice on a brownie's, it will not melt.

Since I'm leaving all the sales to Lidell, there might be other person who's gonna suspect how we able to get this kind of product untouch. Because of that, I decided to pretend I'm owning a magic bag. It can also be use to hide the existence of Momo. The bags have different kind of designs, so random pouch is probably enough to fool them.

“Do you need something, Momo?”

Right now, Momo is sitting in the bed. Everytime our eyes met, she always smile while tilting her head. I don't kow if my face is funny but she's so adorable, I can't help to pat her head. Apparently patting her head makes her sleepy.

Everytime we go outside, Momo is changing her clothes to the old one. I'm happy that she's taking care of it. Since I asked Momo to stay invincible everytime we go outside, wearing the clothes I bought, cause her to visible to others.

So in daytime, Momo wears her old clothes for invisibility, and wear the new one when were in the inn. Since she's taking care of it, I'll buy her again another clothes. I might find another clothes that she can stay invincible beside her old clothes.

Speaking of which, Momo's old clothes were look like rag in appearance but it was actually antique beautiful dress. When I first met Momo, I thought it was rag but for some reason it became beautiful.

Apparently when you leave your clothes to Momo, she's doing some kind of cleaning or laundry effect that makes it clean. Laundry was pretty hassle but since Momo is doing it for me, it was helpful. Maybe she learn it when I take her to bath. In the end, Momo can clean herself and her clothes now. I don't know when she's doing it though.

“Thanks for always helping me, Momo.”

Momo can't speak words but you can tell by seeing how happy she is right now. Little by little I feel like I can understand now what makes Momo happy.

Another thing I discovered was, even though were eating the same food, Momo actually used the food to absorb magic from it. While I was meditating my mana, Momo suddenly hugs me and I felt that my magic is being absorb. Thankfully, I notice it coincidentally.

Since Momo can understand words. I ask her a few things. Firstly, Momo needs mana as nutrients. It's once in a while but if she wasn't supplied by mana, she will disappear in this world and will go back to the spirit world.

I don't know much about Momo but thanks to my fantasy knowledge, I was able solve it. Her looks might be first grade schooler but she's quiet. She's also listening to my teachings that lessen my worry of getting her hurt. To tell you the truth, my sister is more hassle than Momo.

Arriving here was really hard but thanks to these 3, I was able gain strength to live in this world.

Then, after using magic this far. I was able to create another magic. It will be difficult on putting it to actual battle but I'll try to shape the feeling of it until I go to Lizanan. If I can make it in time. I would like to teach this magic to Lidell someday.

While I was thinking about this, the candlelight is about to run out, indicating the time to go to sleep. Momo was also feeling lightheaded, so I picked her up and put her to bed, and I immediately fell asleep as well.

The next day, as usual I trained and hunt with Lidell, of course with Momo.

“Everything seems to be alright.” Lidell said.

“Yeah. Thankfully, I choose the same sword.”

The sword I bought was not bad. The sword has general purpose but, even though I switched from Lidell's sword, I don't feel any discomfort.

So I tried using the sword with monster named Bad Cow. In general idea, the looks of this monster is like big buffalo, weight around 300 kilo's. Adding the weight and size, if you got hit by those horn, which is used as the main weapon, you'll definitely die.

So using defense is impossible. If you try to challenge the buffalo head to head, you'll likely get blown away. So targeting the feet is logical way to stop it's movement then finished it.

Using big rocks as shield, using trees as obstacle can be also used to lessen it's movement, then gradually lessen it's physical movement by using bow and arrow. Once it started to move slowly take advantage of the speed and slash it consecutively.

I started using bow so that I can save mana. Unlike other monster, Big Cow is fast enough to blast me in 5 meters range of magic bullet.

“Hey Lidell, that monster is targetting me!”

“Roger, I'll stop it's movement!”

This is the 4th Bad cow we hunted but, this dude too is also targeting me. All this time, Lidell used himself as bait but, for some reason this cow's always looking at me.

If you evade too quickly, the cow will predict it and change it's directory, so this monster's are pretty smart. So I need to endure the fear and wait until the last centimeters and dodge the cow's dash. Going back to the first cow, I evade the cow's dash quickly, so the cow change it's directory. Thankfully, I was able to dodge it in the second time. But the back of my leather armor got torn instead. That was bitter experience.

This world is not like those in the game I played. After all this world has no revival like in games, means immediate death. I wonder if there's resurrection magic, I'll ask Lidell later on.

After evading the last dash, I'm gonna stand immediately and wait for another dash. I can't evade+attack at the same time like Lidell does after all.

“Akito, yours again!”

If Lidell is not being targeted, he normally can evade+attack. In short, I have to stop it on my own.... Aren't this too hopeful to me!

“Momo, give me arrow!”

Them the sword in right hand disappear and was exchange with arrow. This is our main weapon of Me and Momo in this hunting so far.

I put the arrow on the shivering bow. The Bad Cow is now looking at me. The distance was 5 meters, it was the speed of the cow per second. So I need to unleash the arrow in a mili-second and roll over.


I suppressed my fear my and unleashed the arrow.

The arrow hit the cow and falls of where I stand up, it was just beside of me. Fortunately I didn't get hit by it whatsoever. So I get away from it while Lidell thrust his sword down to the neck. The cow starts to flutter, splashing blood everywhere.

Sh*t, that was close.

Apparently the arrow didn't hit the head but it hit the right leg instead which cause the cow to fall over. I thought there's no way I can missed it but, If you're focus on surviving you'll lose concentration from it.

“Are you alright?” Lidell asked.

“I just got scratched from rolling. Thankfully you stabbed that cow immediately.”

“It's still early but this is 4th already, this is enough.”

As he said. It was the same excuses everytime. Is it some kind of intuition im this world? Personally, I would like to see this through until the end but it's probably better to go with the flow. Retreat is not bad option after all.

“Yeah. I want to make tactics about that monster pattern.”

“I also have one too, it will only work on monster though.”

It seems like there's a magic that can attract or frustrate monster. Is it like provocation act like in games? I wonder if that will help to avoid the situation like earlier.

Well, if that monster makes Lidell nervous, I really need to think tactic to counter it.

“We're same, I'm still practicing it but I'm sure this will be useful in hunting.”

As the Bad cow disappear from Momo's magic, I replenish her magic by patting her head. Her cheeks loose like a slime that is been exposed to sun.

Is it around noon now? Apparently the day here is early. The sun rised around 5 o'clock and we start to hunt around 7 o'clock. So working 6-7 hours enough.

While going back to the town, I decided to tell my plan for the next week.

“Lidell, I'm starting to plan on going to Lizanan.”

“.... Yeah, it might take time travelling, so the early the better. Your armor and equipment seems durable too.” Lidell think first before he answer.

I already heard that there's no Magic nest in Lizanan but there are some in the way. So if worst come first and I can't get magic stones, I'll hunt animals instead.

I started to think like this because Lidell teach me how to fight, so it's seems normal to me.

“I owe this all I have. If you didn't talked to me at that time, I might still chasing rabbits right now.”

“I guess but, you can kill wolves in no time now.”

“I hope so... Mentally I'll get mental breakdown soon on later on, if I continue that.”

“You're much more iron-willed to me though.”

Iron-willed? Arriving in this world, I feel like I became crybaby from then. That's the last word I don't want to hear from myself. But If Lidell sees my that way, I will just agree to him and hide my weak side.

“That's why I need to pay you something before I leave in this town.”

“Even if I say it's not necessary, you will probably not listen.“ Lidell said.

“It's something I can do, so don't expect too much, just wait and see.”

“Just don't forget you're helping me also.”

To tell you the truth, I don't have idea what's Lidell thinking. He seems more to be more reliable than I am. If something happens, he'll surely tell me. I'm sure of that.

Then when the sunlight passes through Lidell's hair, his blonde hair change into orange one. As the wind blows, his hair was gently shakes his hair, which makes me feel jealous. I hope he'll share some of his genes to me.

Arriving at the town, I parted with Lidell to do some training.

Right now, I'm in a place where I always train. It was grassland pretty far from the town. I feel embarrassed when other people sees me training so I choose a far and unnoticeable place to train.

Laying down as I think what I can do.. .. In my current swordsmanship, I can defeat One horned boar now. It was fast but it only knows 1 attack and that is straight dash. So defeating it was easier.

Unlike Lidell my swordsmanship was worst when compare to. I can't cut clean like him or more like it was shallow. Shallow cuts means lower damage, so I need to attack more which increase the risk of injury. Nevertheless, observing it improves both knowledge and physical endurance. So let's just take it as experience.

While in magic, I was teach by Lysette in the past but, I can't use any spirit magic yet. Learning spirit magic won't be able to learn unless you got teach by other magician. And learning it needs magic tools, which I don't have money to spend. So the current magic that can be used were only magic bullet.

“Well, this magic is better than learning useless magic.”

Then I discovered that you can used magic bullet thinly, which improve penetration and sharper with longer distance. Current distance was 10 meters, the more distance, the power lessen.

So if you activated it in a large monster it will not do much damage but if you test it in rabbits, the damage is enough to cause concussion.

“Firee!” Then grass falls down at once, just like it's been agitated by a strong wind or where the magic was placed. If there's 2 or 3 animals lumped together, I can attack them at once. Even if I use this to strong monster, it can at least slow it down.

The closer the range, the better. If the range is more than three meters, it will be ineffective.

“It would be interesting to see how well it would repel attacks.”

I don't know how much impact it can endure but it can at least stop wolves attack. Since magic can only released mana in a millisecond, the amount of magic consumed seems to be low. But if you try to put the magic continuously, the magic power will run out immediately.

“It would be a lot easier if I had unlimited magic, but I don't feel my mana increasing as much as I used to, even with all the magic I'm using.”

The feeling that it is increasing is much lower than in the past, so I may be at the limit of mana growth is near. If the magic bullet itself used load amount of mana, it's still difficult to become a magician if that's not the case.

“I'm not aiming on becoming a mage but, I still want to use magic.”

I mean, If I can't use magic anymore my future plan will fail. So I want to used magic as much as it needed. It'll at least increase my mana.

Experience has taught me that bigger, stronger, and advance magic you use, the more mana will get consume. Well, that makes some sense, but the upper limit of the amount of my magic power is low, meaning I can use lower type of magic, it'll limit the time you can fight.

In any case, this is what I can do now. And today, I'm going to try something new. I've been controlling the magic bullets in my own way, so I think it's possible to do it right away.

“My body is still same just like in the previous world right?”

I'll be in shock if the only same is the appearance. Well, let's assume that they are the same. If not, the story will change.

When a person's body receives an electric shock, it moves regardless of his or her will. I wondered if it would be possible to combine this with the principle of magic, which gathers and releases magic power from the entire body, to assist with physical abilities.

“Well, the quickest way is to actually try it.”

As I close my eyes as usual. First, start with the form. The first thing to do is to concentrate on the flow of magic power, blocking out unnecessary thoughts as much as possible. Feeling the same sensation as activation of magic bullet.... Normally, I would shoot the collected magic power, but this time, the magic power will reach your body. I squeeze it out of my body and use it to assist my muscles within my body.

I move my hands while feeling the magical power circulating in my body, and check the movement of my muscles as it fluctuates. At the same time, I feel the flow of magic power that accompanies the muscle movement, and try to realize it this time with magic power alone, without moving my hands.

“I feel itching somehow...... Whoa!”

After doing that for about an hour, I felt a sensation of movement, although I did not move. From there I continued for another 10 minutes or so, but there was no progress.

I changed my mind, and this time I intentionally moved my hand from the place where I felt the movement. Then I felt it move more lightly than usual. It is difficult to do everything with magic power, but it seems to be possible to use it as a supplement as I intended at first.

I got up and tried to control the flow of magic power while swinging the sword before I forgot what I was feeling. As I swing the sword with lightly, and it cut through the air more sharply than I before.

“Oh! It's more amazing than I thought it would be!”

I didn't think it would work this well, but if I could figure out the principle, it might be possible for anyone to do it. If this is newly create magic, I would be very rich from the patent fees. But, if it is basic knowledge, They're just gonna laugh at me teaching this proudly....

For now, I'll call it "Body Strengthen". It's a pretty good name. (TL: Yeah for you...)

After that, I continued to strengthen my body until I can use it to my whole body. Because of momentum, I moved around without thinking about mana usage, as a result, I almost lost consciousness due to a lack of mana. I cautioned myself for getting carried away, but the real lesson came the next day.

As I woke up as usual 5 A.M. I find myself in a state of severe muscle pain. I managed to woke up just like my daily routine but in the end I was unable to go hunting.

Liddell was aghast to see me like this, but I was sure he would suffer the same fate in time. I will try it out for a few days, and if it is safe to use, I will teach it to Liddell. This magic will surely useful to him.

Chapter 5 End (3/3)

  • I'm open for corrections.
  • Finishing the chapter 5, I feel like Lysette doesn't know a lot in outside world also. In the first chapter, Lysette says, monsters, magic sword, large scale magics doesn't exist but after translating this.... She actually doesn't know a lot about outside world since she has black hair. Adding the information that there's no magic nest in Lizanan, no wonder she doesn't know about magic swords and monsters.... To tell you guy's the truth, I was believing Lysette words all this time and keeps saying demons in my translation even though it was MTL'ed as 'Monster'. Anyways I will plan on changing that on future but not now.
  • Change plan, I will post chapters a week now. Apparently my motivation in the past isn't not like right now. Motivation actually helps me on focus, which is really hard on translating right now. So once a week. I'll try to post a week.
  • For those who's willing to give a motivation.

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